2019年11月13日 星期三


2017年瑞典文學院宣佈諾貝爾文學獎授予日裔英國籍作家石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro)。頒獎詞中寫道:「他的小說富有激情的力量,在我們與世界連為一體的幻覺下,他展現了一道深淵。」

石黑一雄(Kazuo Ishiguro)

石黑一雄1960年出生於日本長崎,五歲時隨父母親移居英國,是當今英語世界最著名的作家之一。長篇小說《長日將盡》(The Remains of The Day)是其最受歡迎的作品,石黑一雄以此書拿下1989年布克獎。《長日將盡》曾被改編成電影,成功地躍上大銀幕,後來又以音樂劇的形式搬上舞台,在倫敦The Union Theatre上演。2005年出版的具有科幻意味的長篇小說《別讓我走》(Never let me go)更被《時代週刊》評選為「2005年度十大最佳小說」和「1923年至2005年間百部優秀英語小說」。

BBC藝術新聞編輯岡佩茲(Will Gompertz)曾評論:「對我來說,石黑一雄是當世所有用任何語言寫作的作家中的翹楚。作家們都善於說故事,但他所講的故事達到了一個新高度。他把讀者帶到了另外一種現實生活中——你覺得這可能是將來,也可能是當下或者過去。讀者覺得這些場景真實而完整,但卻從未真正感知。這些場景古怪而且還可能讓人感到不快,但這是你可以居住而且與之產生聯繫的地方,你會深深的陷入書中這些角色之中。這正是作家的工作——他比大多數人做得更好。」

鮮為人知的是,石黑一雄在成為知名作家之前,曾經有過音樂的夢想。熱愛爵士樂的他,年輕時是留著長髮的嬉皮,到處旅行,彈著一手好吉他,並創作了許多歌曲。他希望自己能夠像歌手萊納德·科恩(Leonard Cohen, 1934-2016)一樣,創作出富有詩意又深刻動人的樂曲。石黑從15歲開始寫歌, 「一開始我用很多華麗的辭藻創作歌詞」,20歲時的他則傾向於使用最簡單的旋律及語言創來作歌曲,他說:「彷彿在寫作,就把寫歌詞當作是寫作的練習吧!」


石黑一雄一直視自己為一位音樂人。 他把自己的每一部作品都看做是一首 「長版本的歌曲」,希望能夠塑造一種氛圍和情緒,吸引讀者沈浸其中。他也以音樂為題材,創作了小說《無可慰藉》(The Unconsoled, 1995)、電影劇本《世界上最悲傷的音樂》(The Saddest Music in The World, 2003) ,以及短篇小說《夜曲:五個音樂和夜幕的故事》(Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall, 2009)。

 無可慰藉(The Unconsoled)


石黑一雄為爵士女歌手史黛西·肯特(Stacey Kent)專輯所創作的歌詞更成為一段佳話。他們先後合作了獲得葛來美獎提名的《早安幸福》(Breakfast On The Morning Tram, 2007)、《演唱會上的夢想家》(Dreamer in Concert, 2011)、《五光十色》(The Changing Lights, 2013)、和《我知我夢》(I Know I Dream, 2017)等專輯。



石黑一雄於2007年創作的《真愛旅程》(I wish I could go travelling again)歌詞內容:

It feels like the summer will never end
And I've had such good offers from several of my friends
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to sit in my shades
Sipping my latte
Beneath the awning of a famous café
Jet-lagged and with our luggage gone astray
I wish I could go travelling again

I want a waiter to give us a reprimand
In a language neither of us understand
While we argue about the customs of the land
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to sit in traffic, anxious about our plane
While you blasé comments drive me half insane
I want to dash for shelter with you through the tropical rain
I wish I could go travelling again

I want to be awakened by a faulty fire alarm
In an overpriced hotel devoid of charm
Then fall asleep again back in your arms
I wish I could go travelling again

But how can I ever go travelling again
When I know I'll just keep remembering again
When I know I'll just be gathering again
Reminders to break my heart

I wish I could go travelling again
It fells like this summer will never end
And I've had such good offers from several of my friends
I wish I could go travelling again

2013年創作的 《雨中穿越歐洲的夏天》( The  Summer We Crossed Europe In the Rain) 歌詞內容:

You say it’s the way these passing years have treated you
That the weight of the dreams you once carried has now defeated you
That our candlelit dinners will all just be reheated through
Our quarrels and disappointments just get repeated too

Well I’ve packed our bags, I know I should have consulted you
But pretending to bargain would have only insulted you
So do just as I say
We’ll go away today
The fire still burns whatever you may claim

Let’s be young again, if only for the weekend
Let’s be fools again, let’s fall in at the deep end
Let’s do once more
All those things we did before
The summer we crossed Europe in the rain

Remember that hotel, the crooked balcony door
From where we stood and watched the market in the downpour?
Sharing warm baguettes
On sunny cathedral steps
Dancing the tango, waiting for our train

Let’s be young again, if only for the weekend
Let’s be fools again, let’s fall in at the deep end
Let’s do once more
All those things we did before
The summer we crossed Europe in the rain

《延伸聆賞》Stacey Kent 影音連結:

