2014年8月23日 星期六

在電影中遇見古典音樂:愛情必修學—Liberal Arts

《愛情必修學》( Liberal Arts) 是由榮獲日舞影展( Sundance Film Festival ) 觀眾獎項的《紐約轉角遇到愛》(happythankyoumoreplease, 2010)導演兼男主角喬許雷諾(Josh Radnor)於2012年又一部自編自導自演的作品。


劇情摘要 :具有文藝氣質的傑西(Josh  Radnor飾),在紐約擔任大學招生諮詢委員,在人生陷入低潮時,受邀參加他大學時代的教授彼得(Richard Jenkins飾) 的退休歡送會。就在重返校園之際,傑西巧遇了幾個人,一位深具知性與美貌的女大生莉碧(Elizabeth Olsen 飾)、過度沈浸於文學的憂鬱男孩狄恩(John Magaro 飾 ),有著自由心靈的奈特(Zac Efron 飾)、以及傑西大學時期最崇拜的,教授浪漫文學的單身女教授茱蒂(Allison Jenney飾)。35歲的傑西與19歲的莉碧因著在文學、戲劇與音樂上的契合,藉由書信往返,而發展出一段忘年之戀。莉碧喚醒了傑西埋藏在心底深處如夢般的、青春的、充滿各種可能性與連結的情感,但是當莉碧進一步要求親密關係,主動獻出她的初夜時,因著年齡的差距而退縮了,這導致雙方各自陷入了另一種迷惘與瘋狂之中...


《愛情必修學》,看似一部單純的愛情片,但它的英文片名" Liberal Arts"則點出導演真正的用心,他以聖經傳道書第一章第十八節做為開頭:He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.(加增知識的,就加增憂傷)全片探討文學與音樂對人格、思想的形塑,以及年齡差距所反映出對愛情、對生命不同的觀點。傑西邂逅的這4、5個人在不同的角度上,都幫助他更認識自己,反之,傑西也在某種程度上啟發了他們。

片中莉碧與傑西分享了她所熱愛的古典音樂,包括了:貝多芬《田園交響曲》第一樂章、韋瓦第歌劇Guistino : Vedro con mio diletto ( I will see with joy )、華格納《唐懷瑟》序曲、莫札特《女人皆如此》: Soave sia il vento ( May the wind be gentle )、馬斯奈《泰伊斯綺想曲》。當傑西戴上耳機,走在喧囂的街道上、與陌生女孩擦肩而過、坐在樹蔭下、或仰望天際凝視著聳入雲霄的高樓時,這一首首美妙的音樂帶給他前所未有的感動與體會...


* The purpose of fiction was to combat loneliness.
* A liberal arts education solves all your problems.
* Change is never easy.
*  I was English, with a minor in history, just to make sure I was fully unemployable.
* Nobody feels like an adult. It's the world's dirty secret.
* (about vampire novel) I liked it. It was fun and stupid. And it passed the time. And it's not Tolstoy, but it's also not television. And it made me happy.
* Try not to over think things.
* Age is a stupid thing to obsess over.
* Guilt before we act is morality.
* Put some armor around that gooey little heart.
* Any place you don't leave is a prison.
* Don't be a genius who dies young. Be one who dies old. Being old is cool.
* You know some days are like a gift, and some days suck but all are that is okay.
* I'm actually trying to read less. I just started to feel like reading about life was taking time away from actually living life, so I am trying to...say "hi" to the world a little more.

* Liberal Arts soundtrack : http://youtu.be/Zi5eRnVO_aI
* 貝多芬《田園交響曲》第一樂章,http://youtu.be/1m0XUybCJoM
* 韋瓦第Guistino : Vedro con mio diletto : http://youtu.be/j4K7AxkFLQg
* 華格納《唐懷瑟》序曲: http://youtu.be/4At9fe2De4Y
* 莫札特《女人皆如此》: Soave sia il vento ,http://youtu.be/gMY3Ou9L5xE
* 馬斯奈《泰伊斯綺想曲》: http://youtu.be/JeRXx-YeuVM

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